Port may be use in use by other process?
Wenn ich versuche meinen Minecraft Server zu starten wird mir angezeigt, dass das Port von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird. Wenn ich lsof -i ausführe wird das Port jedoch nicht angezeigt. Was mache ich falsch?
You most likely have not via a public IPv4 address and therefore your server would not be accessible from the Internet anyway, except if necessary via IPv6.
And even if you had a public IPv4 address, there would be NAT and Portforwarding. Each port can only be used by one process per public IPv4.
We need more information about your entire network infrastructure, especially to the WAN.
Or is this a pure LAN server, because you don’t want to open the outside?
Yes, I want to open the server from outside. To date, I only use the server for this purpose. I don’t have an external IP. Before, however, I already had a Minecraft Java server that worked perfectly (at least safe in my network). I have already set up a port release for the VPN and this also works without external IP. I’ll add another picture.
The VPN isn’t running on the port, is it?
Btw. It works now. I set the same port for IPv4 and 6 and they blocked each other.
OpenVPN, IPsec or Wireguard?
I’m not sure. I have the VPN on a Raspberry Pi and in the tutorial I had, they also set up a port release.
Sometimes you have to release the port in a Fritzbox in the settings of the router. It may be.
I did. Thank you.
If you only use the -i option, no name resolution is disabled and a known port is displayed with name instead of a number. Some applications are included in the /etc/services file during installation and then you can see nothing but the name.
So, do it.
The “P” option prevents lsof from attempting to determine the port (why lsof is running faster).
Then I just get an empty edition.
Ok – then nothing runs permanently on Port 22565
But why can’t I start the Minecraft server?
When you get the message that the port is used by another process when you start your Minecraft server, although
does not show any information about this port, this could indicate various problems. Here are some steps you can try to solve the problem:
“How do I know this: own experience”…although more chatGPT 😂
I also thought 🤣. But thanks for the answer.