Porno Sucht?
Ich möchte aufhören pornos zu gucken und zu masturbieren aber wie? ich mach es jeden tag.
Bitte keine Antworten die es befürworten oder sagen dass es gesund ist, ich will auch keine alternativen wie ich es umgehen kann nur tipps wie ich es komplett aus meinem leben eliminieren kann.
You shouldn’t stop masting. It acts preventively against prostate cancer and stimulates your immune system. So this is health-friendly!
With the porn I would suggest you online articles. You can’t do much than just stop looking at them.
LG 👍
Basically, SB is something quite normal and a very human need which most do to relax.
I had a similar phase as you. I was so pampered that I went down step by step with the consumption of porn/images. This means that I only consumed one month every 2 days and the next month only every 3 days and the next month only every 4 days. So I came out and then was about 1 or 2 times a month. What’s been up to now.
Give you a certain time every day for a week where you do your job
You’ll do it again for a week
but then escapes the feeling of having to stop so the pressure trusted me have done exactly the same thing 🙂
Because you’re not allowed to do it, you’re going to forgive yourself!
Omgggggg I said I didn’t want an alternative
What do you mean by job
Put your bre otherwise where lisa83378q738e482773847284734474433747333
Then listen to what nh question look for nh girlfriend bre
You can also do it 10+ times a day – there is absolutely nothing wrong about it. Grade when you’re a little younger – comes through the testosterone too much lust.
All right.
It’s wrong
Wrong? Who put this flea in your ear?
Ü50 words😦
What was disrespectful if you don’t understand it or want to convince me of others don’t write anymore
No one can really give you an answer – if you don’t describe your problem. And hey – please respect here.
It is wrong for me to understand what is so difficult
But it’s not wrong – and if you think – it’s too much, then you have to (no matter what it’s about now) pull yourself.
It feels wrong, it takes a lot of time away and I feel bad thenach
I don’t understand why you want this, but either cold withdrawal (difficult in times of porn stroke etc) or ne addiction therapy
Just don’t masturbate a two day, then you’ll get it back without porn.
how old are you? in puperty is that normal makes almost everyone so that goes past when you are older again
do you know and if you want to distract yourself look what other yt twitch netflix
Jaya look
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