Polyester und Jeans zusammen waschen?


Ich hab mal ne Frage.

Ich Trage Hauptsächlich Jogger und Trainings Hosen. Trikots etc.

Ab und zu mal ne Jeans.

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Kann Mann die Trainingssachen und Jeans zusammen waschen.

Weil für eine Jeans ne extra wäsche ist ja Verschwendung.

Ebenso 3 Polover die ,, speziell” gewaschen werden müssen.

LG Fiete f.

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1 month ago

Polyester does not accept color. Only natural tissue can be dyed. For mixed fabrics, you need to be careful when you wash something that still dyes.

1 month ago

You can do that very well.

You should wash jeans (because of the elastane) without a softener, polyester anyway. So the ideal combination.

Fine wash 30-40°C, fine washing agent liquid, low spin speed. Even hygienic sinks.

I always do that. Jeans on the left.

The sweaters and jogging pants, t-shirts and other cotton items prefer extra and then with softener. White stuff but completely separate.