Polo 9n 1.2 12v 2002 Baujahr Spannrolle beim Riemen wechseln?

Hallo und zwar such ich schon seit Tagen eine Anleitung wie ich die spannrolle beim Riemen wechsel nicht mal im Handbuch wird das gezeigt ich möchte das gerne machen nur weiß ich nicht wo ich eine Anleitung finde

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2 years ago


the component is “self-explaining”. The new part comes fully assembled and pretensioned with inserted securing pin.

Mounting new parts, applying belts, unloading with a ring wrench or a toggle, pulling out plug pin, the spring snaps loose and pulls belts.

The torque depends on the screw, at XZN (Vielzahn) it is nm memory 45NM and at 16mm hexagon it is 20NM + 90°. But in the case of new parts there is a “guide” in the package for “customer sales” or, meanwhile, you have to download the QR code.

Actually, the thing is “idiot-proof” but there are always specialists with too little brainache or too much coffee in the blood. And there are “committee parts” from Turkey or behind them, which are usually sold through auction platforms

2 years ago

Pull down, roll out, new ones. You don’t need any instructions.

2 years ago
Reply to  Danny323

“I don’t know what it looks like”

If it fails, you should let someone do it.

2 years ago

You can see them when you open the hood.

2 years ago
Reply to  Danny323

The process is basically the same when the belt is down you can also exchange the tensioning roller. Eight give the parts to be ordered for the right engine code.


When I see this correctly on the drawing, it is fastened with two screws.