Polle Milch Trinken?


Ich bin dabei meinen Grinder sauber zu machen, und die Aussage von meinen Kollegen ist immer „ja die Milch wo der Grinder kocht kann man trinken am Ende.” Wir nennen das “Polle Milch”, aber geht das ansich, oder eher nicht so die Idee.?

bedanke mich für schonmal für eine Antwort. 🙋🏻🙌🏻

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2 months ago

You can brush the grunder and smoke the trichome pure.

Cooking is usually not worth the amount.

2 months ago

Yeah, I wouldn’t drink it.

I can fuck the $5 before I drink that dirt.

But you should be able to drink.

2 months ago

This depends entirely on the Grinder and on what substances it consists of.

As a rule, however, plastic is installed as well as any Grinder and if plastic is heated in milk, there may not be such beautiful things in the milk so I would leave.



2 months ago
Reply to  Schxdsoftware

In most metal grinders, a spacer ring made of plastic is installed on the mill and the grating screen, which filters the pollen, is often also fixed with an artificial ring.