
If a party comes to power and introduces compulsory work because we now only live in a dictatorship, do I have to stop my education? I'm currently getting my degree. In 7 months I'll have my degree and I'm learning a foreign language. If compulsory work comes into effect now, do I have to stop getting my degree and stop learning the foreign language. I'm also currently getting my driver's license. Do I have to stop that too? And forced labor, is that something I don't like because I can't get my high school diploma? In Germany you already have to emigrate, horrible, like the slaves.

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6 months ago

This is probably another foreigner with the Paranoia that we are all Nazis. Or the Antifa. Otherwise, I can’t imagine the question.

6 months ago

If a party introduces power and duty to work because we are only living in a dictatorship now

Only because a party has the majority does not come to a dictatorship.