Polaroidbilder heller machen?


hätte 2 Fragen an alle die sich mit Polaroids auskennen. Habe leider 2 Bilder direkt nach dem Druck in meine Hosentasche gemacht, weshalb sie sehr dunkel und fast nicht entwickelt sind. Hier meine Fragen

  1. Macht es das Bild schlechter wenn man direkt mit ner (Taschen-)Lampe draufleuchtet? Ich habe etwas das Gefühl weil ich es gemacht habe aber vielleicht täusche ich mich auch.
  2. Kann man die Bilder irgendwie rettern? Keine Ahnung wie, oder sonst vielleicht einscannen könnte das funktionieren?

Vielen Dank im Voraus

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2 years ago

Unfortunately, have made 2 pictures right after the pressure in my pocket, which is why they are very dark and almost undeveloped.

This has nothing to do with it. The images are underexposed because you had set the wrong mode for the lighting conditions or do not use lightning.

Does it make the image worse if you light up directly with a (pocket) lamp?

That doesn’t even change the picture. As soon as the image is ejected, the development emulsion is on it and it is not exposed further.

Is it possible to feed the pictures?

You can’t do much, you can take it off or scan it and then edit the exposure with Snapseed. Don’t think you can get out of there.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sebastian159

Then there’s something wrong with the movie if they get too dark despite lightning. You can turn off flashlight on your phone.

2 years ago

If you can see nix with your eyes, so the picture is almost completely black, then you can forget to save something.

2 years ago

Today’s Polaroid images must develop in the completely dark and at least body temperature. From that point on, the glow was bad with a lamp. You can’t bet her. Once developed, you can make nix more. You can try to scan and edit them

2 years ago
Reply to  Sebastian159

Good, 12 hours later is no matter