Polaroid Sofortbildkamera Probleme?

Ich habe zu Weihnachten eine Polaroid Now+ bekommen und mich nun seitdem damit beschäftigt und Unmengen Ausschuss produziert.

Ich hatte bereits vor ca. 30 Jahren eine Polaroidkamera und hatte die Bilder nicht nur deutlich besser in Erinnerung, sondern auch sehr viel bessere Bilder in alten Alben… Auch erinnere ich mich an eine sehr viel kürzere Entwicklungszeit der Bilder.

Sind die Filme und die Kameras wirklich so schlecht geworden oder sind meine einfach nur defekt?

Hier zwei Beispiele, links wurde die Now+ verwendet, rechts die 635 CL aus den 90ern. Der verwendete Film ist der gleiche. Die alte Kamera macht deutlich bessere Bilder, aber noch immer nicht wie früher. (leider keine Beispiele)

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2 years ago

Might be a lot.

Polaroid doesn’t have much more in common with its previous luster times. Today’s devices are cheaply produced, trimmed at cost savings and the film production is now also taken over by the other company (former Impossible Project).

I can imagine the older devices probably still had glass lenses, instead of plastic lenses and possibly more powerful lightning.

2 years ago

I don’t know the camera. I only had the instax in my hand and the results were very good.

You might have just chosen the wrong shutter or exposure time?

2 years ago

But actually Polaroid has never been good, even before.

Your image samples, both photos are unusable.
I wonder why Polaroid at all. If you are not artistically active and work the image during the development period or puzzel, Polaroid makes hardly any sense. Finally, it is very expensive and you have nothing but committee.

Each cell phone makes much better pictures, and you can watch the picture immediately after recording.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kugelflitz

influence the image, be it through the design, manipulation, exposure, focal lengths or motion uncertainty fun. You don’t have all this with the Polaroid, and the picture is also badly exposed and insane.

2 years ago

RAW? What do you want with RAW? Raw lives from post-processing, but you’re just a Knipser. To make such bad photos with the phone, like with a polaroid, you really need a filter.

2 years ago

With the new mobile models you can do all this and even without filters.