Pokémon Karten neue Editionen wertvoll?
Hallo ich kenne mich überhaupt nicht aus mit dem Thema. Sind die neuen Editionen, die ich im Laden kaufen kann auch wertvoll? Also wenn ich eine selten Karte ziehe, könnte ich dann gut Geld machen oder sind nur die alten wertvoll?
In the same way, tickets from the early years (1996-2002) are very desirable, as only a few cards from these years are still in very good condition. Cards, boosters, displays and sets from the 1st edition of Pokemon are definitely a good investment and will be sold well in the future.
But new cards, boosters or displays can also be worth something – with luck. If you start buying worse sets, like fighting styles, then it’s not a good investment. Read a little on the internet and decide whether you want to buy cards or not.
Good sets are:
• Color shock
•Silver storm winds
• Lost origin
• Radiant stars
•Astral gloss
Most are not valuable. And you don’t know if they ever will.
When you open Booster Packs, you’re losing. The average value of the cards in the pack should be 0.5 – 2€. A pack costs about 5€.
As with gambling, you can make 60€ profit anyway with luck. But it’s a pure gambling. Cards are recommended as an investment until 2012, and only in very good condition. Rare cards and popular Pokémon priority.
Sure you can, of course, not 50k as for a base set glurak but depending on the value between 1-500€
Thank you for your assessment
no ding,sammle itself recently again and have many good selling whether you believe it or not the new ones usually sell themselves faster and more stable trips than the old ones, if you want to have a price exact give to google name and rarity the card on and at the end: cardmarket. This is the current market-leading comparison and sale website
It is difficult to say, for example, Eevee Heros is not as old and a display costs 400 euros. It’s not worth as much as before, but some top hits can be worth something.
No, they are not