POC als Hauptcharakter erstellen?
ich bin Hobbyautorin und habe mir eine neue Story überlegt. Mein OC (Own Character) sollte dabei eine POC (Person Of Color) sein. Ich war mir nur nicht sicher ob ich in der Geschichte die Person richtig abbilden könne, da ich nun mal weiß bin. Zwar liegt der Fokus der Geschichte nicht auf sozialen Problemen die eine POC erfährt, sondern auf der Liebe zwischen meinem OC und einer anderen Person, jedoch denke ich das diese Probleme nicht einfach übergangen werden sollten/können.
Mir stellt sich nur eine Frage: Soll ich einen Charakter als eine POC darstellen?
I’d just do it. It is your world where social conditions can also be different. Moreover, not every PoC is experiencing the same amount of social discrimination. If the story is about racism, it would definitely be useful to focus more on the subject.
But if you have any questions, then you’d like to ask, I’m PoC.
If you think about it, you can conclude that POC are people, just like whites.
This whole discussion on Skin colour and racism has only arisen because any birds believed that blacks and whites are NOT similar and that this difference must definitely always be highlighted “to fight against racism”. Because “you must not equal white and black, because that would be an insult to the blacks/whites.”
This resulted in the fact that now all people say “yes, nee skin color should be uninteresting” but GEDACHT is exactly different.
And that’s racist.
So don’t worry about it, write your story, make the Char the way you want it. You’re going to kick on the slips, no matter how you do, but they’re the ones who enjoy it when someone gets on the slips.
I’d say it’s bad you’re making a POC. As long as you become clear, racist or insulting. I would be very interested in where you write your stories because I sometimes write such short stories:)
First of all, thank you and on your question, I write a book with a PoC and I’m looking for when I’m done, hopefully, a good young author publishing house. My short stories, however, I read up for practicing and for feedback on Wattpad.
cool. What’s your name? Your way sounds very interesting and correct