PNation trainee?

Hi Leute ich bin 16 und wollte mich nächstes Jahr bei den kpop entertainment pnation bewerben.

Ich habe aber schon dieses Jahr ein bisschen gegoogelt und da steht nur Gesang rapp und acting und ist es wichtig das man da auch Tanzen kann? Oder geht das entertainment garnicht auf tanz oder wie ist weil ich kpop idol werden möchte und aber deutsche bin denkt ihr ich hätte eine Chance ich möchte dieses Jahr noch mein Tanz und Gesang verstärken?

Danke im voraus für die Antwort Liebe Grüße Ava

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2 years ago

Of course you have to dance. All idols can sing and dance…

The chance is very low. Even some Koreans don’t make it, the entertainments don’t accept foreigners.

If you did the round, you should get an invitation to Korea. That’s where you’re going to live. And if you did the round, you’re an official trainee.

The trainee training is really hard and many trainees fail. You have to meet the Korean beauty ideals. If it’s not the case, you have to do a beauty surgery. Then you have to be the best person in dancing and singing. You’ll get fucked. You must be able to speak Korean and Japanese without accent. You must not have contact with parents and friends during the trainee training. Every week, the CEO comes and checks the trainees. There are always some trainees thrown out. And then you have enormous debts. There is no guarantee that you will also become an idol. You can be fucked at any moment or the group dissolves because the entertainment has financial difficulties.

The K-Pop industry is really hard and the guarantee of the K-Pop Idol is equal to zero. But much success 💪🏻.

2 years ago

Sure, you have to dance. You have to be able to at least enjoy one of these things very well: singing, shaking, dancing

If you train every day then of course you will be better;) Germans can also participate in the audition no big problem!