Plugin Suche um Inventare zwischen Servern per GUI übertragen?
Kennt jemand ein Plugin welches es mir ermöglicht nur vom Spieler ausgewählte Items in einem Inventar (nur von einem bestimmten Server) auf einen anderen Server zu transportieren? Mit einem GUI eventuell? Oder andere Möglichkeiten?
you can easily save and read the inventory of players in a database. The rest is logic of the plugin.
What prefabricated will you probably not find there. You’ll probably have to do that.
Mfg Jannick (L1nd)
Human database. Yes! xD
Yes, database xD
you could save the items of the inventory in a config and send this config file to the other server. Or both are somehow sharing the same config when it goes.
Just a theory.
LG Der1Streber
I doubt that this is possible, but still thank you for the answer
Ne digga. That’s a bad idea. Configs are not to be abused as a database
For the whole inventory:
Save the player’s entire inventory by serializing it and storing it in a database such as MySql, download it by deserialization on the other server(can you make it when calling a command or for example with the player Join)
Single items:
Open an inventory to the player and save on the same way only the item stacks he put in the inventory.
If you still need the plugin, I can help you write/dir.