Plötzliches extremes Stechen im rechten Unterleib?

Google spuckt dazu nichts aus… hatte von einer Sek auf die Andere unnormal stechende Schmerzen im Unterleib rechts. Etwas weiter unter meinem Unterbauch, eher fast schon Richtung Venushügel und zieht sich nach unten durch ins Gesäß. Konnte kaum atmen vor Schmerzen. Ist leicht abgeklungen, der starke stechende Schmerz ist aber noch da.

Will nicht unnötig nen Notarzt rufen. Weiß jemand was das sein könnte? (Meine Periode kommt erst in 14 Tagen ca.)

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1 year ago

Hm, okay. Then it may be just an intestinal cramp or another problem with the chair.

If it were hard, it would be a medical emergency. Otherwise, I would see how it develops.
If the pain is too strong, you should choose the emergency call. Otherwise, see if the pain disappears from itself. If not within one to two weeks, you should go to the doctor.

1 year ago
Reply to  Destranix

Waiting for one to two weeks is definitely too long! Maximum in days, with an adult woman I already see this critical.

1 year ago
Reply to  markus632

With slight pain, I would rather not see a reason for it. In severe pain, you should get to the doctor before.

1 year ago

That’s why the paragraph of Davo, which acts when the pain is too strong.

This can be badly assessed as an outsider, whether this is now normal intestinal pain (which can be quite strong) or not.

I also thought if I wrote that at the latest this evening the pain should be gone and if you do not, you should go to the doctor, but that depends on the perception of the person concerned whether he thinks it is necessary or not.

1 year ago

But she writes “… but the strong stinging pain is still there.”

1 year ago

Could it be the appendix? He’s on the right.

1 year ago

Dysmenorrhoe? Googlen.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fiilosofiie


1 year ago

Blind intestine, bladder can also be…something maybe just annoying (nerv jammed or similar). If it was just a short time, and now it’s gone. Of course, you can still go to a doctor or gyn.