Plötzliche THC Intoleranz?

High zsm

Ich habe etwa 5 Jahre lang täglich mehrere Joints gekifft. Aufgrund einer MPU und Urinproben 12 Monate lang habe ich 1 Jahr aufgehört. Nach diesem Jahr baute ich mir einen kleinen Joint und wollte wieder anfangen. Ich habe nur 3 mal dran gezogen und hatte eine schwere Panikattacke und Herzrasen usw. Seitdem vertrage ich kein THC mehr und frage mich warum. Früher hatte ich das normale gechillt sein und jetzt bekomme ich jedesmal eine Panikattacke wenn ich‘s probiere. Ich rauche nurnoch CBD das geht. Wie kann es sein das man auf einmal THC nicht mehr verträgt?

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3 months ago

Yo, big deal with your sudden THC intolerance! It’s not cool, but it’s more likely than you think. After such a long break, your body is no longer used to the THC hammer. Your tolerance is in the cellar and your brain reacts very sensitively to the substance. This can then quickly lead to panic and heartaches. Besides, your head changed without grass in the year. Perhaps you are now more sensitive to the side effects or have unconsciously developed fear of ciffing. My tip: Start slowly, if at all. Take less and mix more CBD in. And if it doesn’t work, stay with the CBD. Your health is going on, Digga!

3 months ago
Reply to  srugglet

Sure. Even better if you don’t start again.

3 months ago

I’ve scored 10 years a day, but in 2019 I stopped due to neuroborelliosis as I tried everything to be healthy 🙂

When I took one train again about three years later, it was just like you. I had assumed that the disease could possibly have changed somewhat in my brain chemistry or that my basic loneliness I had earlier had adopted xD but since it happened to you there are still other possibilities ^ I could imagine it’s because of my “headliness” that I have since then.

I started smoking CBD about a year ago, as I did not want to take any medicines with my nightmares and the effort to fall asleep anymore, but I also noticed that I had an effect on CBD and that is enough for me.

Thank you for your exciting contribution he once again encouraged me to think 🙂

3 months ago

dose sola facit venenum

There are varieties with low THC and higher CBD content. If you are using such a variety according to the principle “Start low and go slow” an ideal dosage, you should be able to beat the panic (following Cannabinoid overdose) a snippet.
If you are old enough, you can plant your individual variety yourself.

3 months ago

Didn’t MPU ever suffice you?

What better can’t happen to you than you can’t handle it anymore.