Plötzlich viel Durst?
Hey, also ich weis das ich zu wenig Trinke, hab einfach kein Durstgefühl, hab aber seit gestern extrem durst auch wenn ich was getrunken hab, hab ich weiterhin Durst.
Werde weiterhin mehr trinken geht das dann wieder weg?
Wenn ihr weitere Tipps habt, Danke🙏🤍
Hey mikaa123695, 👋
the KÖNNTE is an overseed ymptom.
The two oversugar symptoms
Polydipsie ( strong, indelible thirst)
Polyurie (very strong urinary rank)
but only when the
Long-lasting blood sugar
> 180-200 mg/dl or > 10-11,1 mmol/l is
You could just get your blood sugar
measurement. You don’t have to go to the doctor.
Maybe… maybe not.
If you drink 2 l each day,
you will notice.
LG 🙋🏻
Thanks for the info ☺️
Very happy, 😊 lG 🙋🏻 ♀️
Maybe just a hint that your body needs more fluid?
This summer it was really hot and I barely drank, yet I wasn’t really thirsty. Had a feeling in the bladder for a while, as if I had a bladder infection, but nothing came. was just because I was too rare to go to the toilet.
Meanwhile, I’m more concerned that I drink at least 1-2 litres a day.
had the feeling lately I had a bladder inflammation, but thought it was lying in the weather. Thanks for your answer will drink more now
This can actually be a sign of type II diabetes, I would definitely let the doctor examine it.
Thank you
Alternatively, you can also buy a test, e.g.
Can as well as a sign
for diabetes 👉Type 1 be.
Should I go to the doctor or wait for it to leave?
Yeah, do that.
If your BZ is sober tomorrow morning
< 100 mg/dl, everything is fine.
I’ll do it tomorrow morning
Because your parents are diabetics, you can also measure your BZ at home. You don’t have to go to the doctor.
Go to the doctor. Did I, too, tja now I’ve been diabetics for 14 years.
Okay, my parents also have both diabetes could be good, thank you!
Hmm, that’s very likely.