Plötzlich starke Unterleibschmerzen?
Habe heute einfach plötzlich starke Unterleibschmerzen bekommen, was kann ich tun?
Meine Periode hatte ich diesen Monat schon
Btw, bin in der schule in der letzten stunde, lohnt sich also nicht mich abzumelden
Also die Frage nochmal: Was kann ich tun damit es erträglicher wird??
Danke für jede hilfreiche Antwort 🙂
I’m sorry, I know that.
I just don’t think you can do much anymore, except last hour, maybe put your feet on the chair (I always help to wrap your legs) and just breathe calmly.
When school is over, you can get ibuprofen or naproxen in the pharmacy, Naproxen helps better, at least in case of period pain, only I don’t know if the recipe is free, I got this written.
Otherwise, inuprofen also goes super and a heat bottle also often helps mega!
Then just cuddle with a warmer bottle and a tea under a blanket, and then it will be back.
Pain and cramps can also occur without a period, at least this is the case with me.
Greetings and a beautiful day, good improvement,
Reader’s share
Get out of the pharmacy, Ibuprofen and Buscopan. In parallel, it can also lie on an irritating bowel syndrome. It helped me symbiolact. It regenerates the intestinal flora. It goes through antibiotics into the bucket. There are pharmacies without prescriptions.