Plötzlich starke impulse?
Ich bin aufgewacht und habe direkt zu einem Messer gegriffen und volle Wucht versucht mir am Unterarm in die Arterie zu schneiden um schlussendlich zu verbluten. Das Messer ist zum Glück zu stumpf gewesen…
Wieso kam aus dem nichts dieser Impuls? Es hätte so schief gehen können…
There are various possibilities.
In any case, I would advise you to visit a doctor as soon as possible, because that can easily go wrong.
I would keep dangerous objects inaccessible. The best way to get out of the bedroom and then close the bedroom before bed.
If you show neurological or psychological vulnerabilities, go to the emergency room or call the emergency call (112).
If you don’t show any vulnerabilities in the alert state, then make an appointment with the doctor, there will be the situation where you’ll get an appointment soon.
The doctor should send you to the appropriate specialist.
First of all, interesting that you grab a knife and secondly that you always have knives in the grip area in the bed, which are then fortunately blunt.
I have a knife for Svv with me
In bed, sure. And for self-harming, of course, blunt.
It’s logical
blunt not in the sense of being able to harm 0, but hardly