Plötzlich Nikotin süchtig?
Moin Leude,
Ich bin 17 Jahre alt und kann mir nach Gesetz noch keine Einweg E Zigarette kaufen. Da ich aber unbedingt mal probieren wollte hab ich trotzdem versucht die zu kaufen und es hat geklappt.
Hab gestern bestimmt 100-250 mal dran gezogen. Nachdem ich mir angesehen habe wie schlecht so eine e Zigarette eigentlich ist also das sie auch viel vom Körper schadet hab ich sie weggeschmissen.
Heute bin ich (obwohl 8 Stunden Schlaf. normalerweise bin ich da total fit) richtig müde aufgestanden und konnte auch nicht wie sonst joggen da ich eif erst zu müde war. In der Schule konnte ich mich zwar konzentrieren aber in Mathe hab ich obwohl ich normalerweise fast alles weiß, fast nichts gewusst.
Nun frag ich mich ob das von der e gestern kommen könnte? Da waren 2ml, 20mg/ml drinnen und es hat knapp 600 Züge. Denke ich hab die Hälfte davon geraucht.
Könnte das alles mit einer angehenden Nikotin Sucht vorangehen?
Würde mich sehr über antworten freuen da ich Angst habe mir könnten wesentliche gesundheitliche Probleme bevorstehen.
A very strange story.
For the first time in his life, a non-smoker draws hundreds of times on an e-cigarette with 20mg/ml-Liquid (this is incredibly much and the highest legally permitted nicotine strength, even for a long-term strong smoker, that is quite violent), he is likely to throw the soul out of the body and/or flip it over with a circular collapse.
A nicotine addiction is not developed within a day. Don’t worry about your health.
I also found something funny because there are 2ml inside and I probably smoked 20mg nicotine but without nicotine flash or other. Vllt was less than I think. Thanks for the comment I’d rather leave the hands of such a stuff as I would do a lot of sports and just hurt me.
Hello Felix,
Nicotine does not addict as long as the mode of action of nicotine is not changed artificially. This happens in tobacco products, such as cigarettes, but not in e-cigarettes, or liquid. The opposite is even the case, which is proof that nicotine actually does not lead to any dependency.
You should have bought an e-cigarette with liquid without nicotine. Then everything would have been git. Or, if insanely with nicotine, then at least not with the maximum allowed amount. That was nonsense what you did.
As far as your mute in terms of health is concerned, every scientific knowledge escapes. E-cigarettes do not harmwith proper handle. Liquid with nicotine is intended for smokerswhich would like to change from cigarettes. The effect, the withdrawal phenomena that were built up by smoking are eliminated. Amazingly, the dependency after the last smoked cigarette, by e-cigarettes and use of liquid with nicotine, nevertheless gradually expands.
This can have many causes. The fact is that a smoker who would have gone to e-cigarettes would have had no problems even with a liquid as you used it. I vaporized liquid for a long time with a nicotine content of 18.5 mg/ml and never had a problem. On the contrary, my health condition has improved very quickly and significantly.
With a next attempt to simply use liquid without nicotine, you will also be on the next day as always…
Only by the way… under various characteristics of nicotine is the promotion of concentrateability and performance enhancement. Therefore, many athletes use it. ABER… smoking is counterproductive in sports. It’s all about nicotine.
Good to you… and stay healthy.
Greeting, RayAnderson 😉
So yesterday you exaggerated it with the nicotine and don’t feel so comfortable today. You could say that this is the expected result of your experimentation.
However, it is not possible for strangers from the Internet to exclude other causes that can lead to dullness.
Just leave the nicotine stuff away and well.
Thanks for the comment. Do you think it’s longer that you should look by the doctor? I think I’ll let your hands get away from something that would hurt my hobby. (running)
If you feel uncomfortable, you can go to the doctor. Regardless of the cause. I’d just take a look at the family doctor if I need it.
Leaving this away is definitely healthier.