Plötzlich ist alles anders?
Mein Vater liegt in Krankenhaus und es sieht nicht gut aus. Wenn er es überlebt, dann als Pflegefall.
Mich macht die Situation so fertig. Ich frage mich immer warum ausgerechnet er. Er ist doch noch so jung gewesen. Dann denke ich immer das vor einer Woche noch alles normal war. Niemand hat damit gerechnet. Manchmal hoffe ich das ich Träume und bald wieder aufwache aber es ist kein Traum.
Ich frage mich auch ob es verhinderbar gewesen wäre. Warum hat es kein Arzt vorher festgestellt.
Wird es mit der Zeit besser?
I don’t know what happened to your father. But I know that such things always happen suddenly. Life changes completely from one moment to the next.
Unfortunately, it is not a dream and the realization needs its time. This happens in individual stages, not immediately. Now at this moment the best possible for your father will be done. As your life will continue later, no one can know. But it will certainly continue and you will learn to live with the situation.
Our life has also changed enormously. My father is sick, too, and he became a care case. He can no longer stay alone, don’t care for himself, no longer formulate a sentence and he is increasingly in his own world. Sometimes he sings children’s songs, but at least he laughs. My father is not young, but dementia came over him relatively late. Sometimes I just cry because I lose my father a bit more every day. I sat next to him the other day, and he asked me where I was… at some point he doesn’t recognize me again. He is almost blind, can only run badly, is heart disease and loses our common reality. He is increasingly moving back to his own world and we often do not know where it is. We lose our father and my mother loses her husband. She’s sick with her 81 years.
But despite all this, we are grateful that we still have. It’s only in my family that we give him a beautiful life after our possibilities. Life is finally and nobody knows how long it will take. Even doctors cannot recognize many things in advance, because much to just before the visible outbreak remains hidden. Suddenly there is this diagnosis. Not every disease is recognizable early. Even if it were, the course is not always stopped. But if the disease has been recognized, then everything will be done in power for the patient so that it will be better.
As a family, you may soon be very strongly demanded to hold together and support each other in supporting your father. If you have a good relationship with each other, then you will do so. Sure.
But for the first time your father is safe in good hands and one must not be forgotten: It doesn’t have to happen the worst! It can also be clearly better in a miraculous way. No one can really foresee how much power is in your father to address his illness. There are so many people who have been cured again despite the worst diagnosis. You can’t lose that hope.
I wish your family all the best. 🍀
I’m sorry you’ve just been experiencing a bad time and that before Christmas…
We don’t know what’s with your dad, but one thing I know from my own experience:
What happened, the state now, it has to come to you first, so you have to deal with it first…. This takes a whole time and then you’re looking for help with doctors, psychologists, who also care for relatives, with self-help groups.
You learn to deal with it with time, and your life will become a bit normal again… whatever you may call normal.
I wish you all the best and that you can get help and accept.
Unfortunately, this happens every day. There are turning points where life then changes or a person who has been known for many years or decades is suddenly no longer there or is no longer there as one knows.
It’ll take a little while to get this processed. But of course, the turning point can no longer be reversed.
I’m so sorry and I can imagine how you feel.
For me, it sounds like a stroke of brain that your father suffered. He comes out of the blue. You don’t feel anything in advance, you feel comfortable.
You can get back some functions with a lot of time and patience, in most cases by targeted therapy. Simply create improvements in whole, very small steps.
Not a stroke, I meant a stroke.
This is too unconcrete to give a somewhat sensuous answer.