Plottwists in meiner Geschichte?
Ich schreibe an einer Geschichte und hänge fest :/ Ich brauche mehr Plottwists, aber mir fallen keine wirklich guten Ideen ein.
Es geht um ein Mädchen, was einen Jungen auf einer Bank trifft. Von diesem Tag an treffen sie sich immer wieder dort. Das Genre ist Romantik und Fantasy.
Ich möchte jetzt nicht, dass ihr die Geschichte schreibt. Ich suche nach Anregung und Inspiration. Ich verrate bewusst nicht viel, da ich auch gerne Inspiration habe, die nicht super mit der eigentlichen Idee übereinstimmt. So kann ich sie noch umändern, so wie ich sie brauche.
Ich hoffe das ist nicht zu umständlich geschrieben und ihr versteht in etwa, was ich damit meine.
Also vielen Dank im Voraus für Inspiration und Anregung!
Make the boy a magical creature that appears in human form to meet the girl.
Always at the same time give the meeting a special hidden meaning that you do not immediately recognize when you leave it and that you present later as a great twist.
One of them could simply not show up what can lead to misunderstandings among the characters.
With the few infos it is hard for me to find something useful 😅
You don’t necessarily need 20,000 Plottwists. Just try to structure a story well and then you can see ‘where I could mislead the reader’ It is important, however, that the basic structure is already standing and that it is already solid.
So… girl meets boy at the bank…
Shape the figures… what did she bring to the bank? What do they do after that? What is the goal they pursue in which direction should your history go?
I can’t just give you 120 plots of action that you could do in the sense of “There’s not the boy at all, she’s just forming him to have someone with whom she can talk” or even “he has actually waited for someone completely different and now plays with the girl some love story to make his classmates interested in him after coming out like ‘announced’ it makes him go out as ‘the new boy’ in him.
Or (that would be a little more fantasy)… he’s actually the spirit of someone who has always waited for his beloved on this bank and can’t find any rest before he’s not reunited with her… and that’s why our main character has to raise that woman… problem, find someone 50 years later…
Like I said, there’s an incredible amount. But much is reflected in my eyes in the characters, and you’ve already created them or you should do it to have an accurate picture in mind.
Listing of unrelated brainstorming:
Write to me private, I share my ideas with ☺️
I don’t want anyone to steal my ideas and get out as his book. This is theft of intellectual property ….
PS: I would be very happy about the ⭐, I am on the way to community experts in the category Writing 💕
Little tip, as you’re probably still very young… I’d be with such statements.
Especially if you might want to ask for help at some point. If you don’t want to share your ideas, that’s okay. But then leave it and don’t threaten poor people here.
Otherwise, people like me come and tell you tragic truths:
1. An idea is just as good as the implementation. In particular, a basic idea lets you make a lot of ways to do things well and individually… or let them slip into generic mainstream.
However, an individual idea does not bring you if you cannot implement it.
2.) Your ideas are, purely statistically speaking, at least 50% virtually as they are, to 48% they are a collapsing of elements that were already there and of the 2% that remain 1.5% from any realistic occurrences.
0.5% may be individual to yours… and if this 0.5% is good then another question.
but… that’s not bad in itself. Large works of the world literature are based on stuff, processes, forms that have already been there and have just been reconfigured. And as I said, it’s not bad for itself… but then arrive with ‘Theft of Intellectual Property’ I do not find ideal.
As I said, it’s your decision what you want to express and how you want to get over… but that’s what I find more unpleasant.