Playstation Internet geht nicht, was tun?

Seid heute bricht meine Playstation 4 einfach immer die Verbindung mit dem Internet ab. Alle anderen Geräte im Haus funktionieren einwandfrei aber die Playstation disconnected sich immer mit dem WLAN. Das passiert meistens nach einer halben Stunde spielen.

Wenn jemand weiß was man da machen kann dann würde ich mich über eine Antwort freuen.


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8 months ago

Today, my Playstation 4 just always breaks off the connection with the Internet.

Your playstation has no connection to the internet, but a local network connection – and in your case this is wireless/via WLAN.

Your router has a connection to your provider via which you can access the Internet. And for this, your Playstation uses the local network connection….

Thus, if the network connection via WLAN is not stable, use a cable or eliminate the radio interference between playstation and WLAN access point (probably router) or use access points which are correspondingly better positioned with an insufficient signal.

8 months ago

If I remember correctly, there is the possibility in playstation under ,,Settings > Network > Internet Connection Testing”, as the name says to test the connection. What happens if you do this? If it were interesting what happens if you still have the Internet and then a little later if the PS4 has no Internet anymore as you say.

The PS4 has a LAN connection. Try to play over cables and see if the problem occurs there.

It is important to limit the problem. At the moment, the problem could be almost everything. If it really was the Wlan antenna that’s broken, you could replace it. That’s not a problem with the PS4. Here is Manual

8 months ago

Okay, check if you have the problems with cables. Try to sit in another place in your apartment/house. Maybe it’s just at the place/area where you’re shocking. It may be that there are interfering factors for the WLAN.