Playstation 3 am Flughafen weggenommen?
Hallo! Ich habe vor, im Sommer zu meiner Familie nach Tunesien zu fliegen und meine Playstation 3 mitzunehmen. Sie ist mein Heiligtum, weshalb ich natürlich etwas Angst habe. Meine Familie ist recht ärmlich, deshalb möchte ich den Kindern mit meiner Playstation eine Freude bereiten, jedenfalls bis ich wieder gehe.
Meine Frage ist: Kann mir die Polizei am Flughafen (Deutschland UND Tunesien!!) aus sonstigen Gründen meine Playstation wegnehmen, wenn sie im Handgepäck ist? Ich habe zu viel Angst, sie in den Koffer zu packen, weil ich nict will, dass sie kaputt geht. Aber noch mehr Angst habe ich davor, dass sie mir weggenommen wird, weil sie für unsere Verhältnisse echt teuer war.
If you safely put them in the suitcase between your garments padded, it should not break either. If anything happens, you can claim damage to the flight line. How it goes here (PDF, 52.5kB).
However, that the police or the customs take you away the playstation is unlikely, at least I am not aware that game consoles in Tunisia would be prohibited. GeÃĺls helps a short call to the Tunisian Embassy in Berlin, phone number 030 3641070, there you can safely explain the current legal situation regarding such devices. There should also be no problems when returning to Germany.
Maybe you should just think about whether you’re your Sanctuary does not just leave your home and work with your relatives and the area there, instead of spending the holiday in front of the glotze and the game console. But it’s just that thought;-)
I’m working with them, but they’re sure they’re going to have a nice evening before the glott:)
Thanks for the help!
You’re welcome!
everything that is valid for tax is checked. also a console, notebook, Digi-cam…nimm best an invoice with and the inch can do nothing against as long as you can prove that this has been bought legally in DE and taxes have been paid for it..
but besides… what do you want with a playi? ..and in hand luggage it is not allowed.
padded them around (so with this plastic film) and put them in your suitcase, nothing would have to happen because it is #### Headline #### your own!
It is not allowed in hand luggage
Maybe look at the bill or at the airport policies to be sure of you.
It is not only about Germany, but also about Tunisia. If it is not taken away from me here, this can happen in Tunisia, so I ask.
But thank you!
I took an X-Box in my hand luggage myself. Wasn’t a problem, she was only controlled with a wipe test on explosives.
As long as the weight and size determinations are observed there is no problem. However, in any case NImm has an invoice to prove that you have already paid the corresponding taxes. Otherwise, there’s a problem with entry.
Greetings marcco