Plattform um Geschichte zu veröffentlichen außer Wattpad?
Hallo, ich schreibe seit einiger Zeit an einer Geschichte die mir extrem viel bedeutet.
Das Genre ist hauptsächlich Fantasy und Adventure, mit Fokus auf die Erkundung einer magischen Welt und die Veränderung vom Charakter der Hauptperson.
Die Geschichte ist noch unfertig, ich würde gern immer nur einzelne Kapitel hochladen.
Ich hab sie schon auf Wattpad veröffentlicht, aber sie wird nicht gelesen, ich denke das liegt daran das sie niemanden angezeigt wird. Bzw., da ich selbst auf Wattpad lese, denke ich nicht das sie so gut dort hinpasst. Hauptsächlich sehe ich dort Liebesgeschichten und Fanfictions.
Ich muss mir mit der Geschichte keinen Namen machen, aber etwas Feedback außerhalb meiner Familie wäre schon ganz schön.
Kennt ihr also noch andere/bessere Möglichkeiten die Geschichte zu veröffentlichen? Irgendwelche Plattformen oder Seiten?
In principle, I notice something, not only with you, but also with 10 questioners here in the last weeks:
This desire to get attention, praise and confirmation from other people for unfinished stories and individual chapters.
I think it is a better way to think through history until the end, to write it properly and to revise it several times before publishing it.
The reason I’m not on wattpad and similar platforms is that I don’t like to read half-finished stories.
Well, getting feedback is always nice, my story is very long, and it’s better to get feedback than at the end… But I understand what you mean
The story I’ve been writing for over a year and a half is over 100,000 words. I’ll finish the story up to the details first. I’ve cut out radical scenes several times or completely rewritten early scenes because the story is different later
developed when I first thought.
Only when the first novel is finished, I will get the feedback from five selected test readers.
And after that, I will revise everything from the beginning.
The 5th or 6th revised version may be published later.
That’s really mega you’re working so hard ☺ anyway I don’t want to be condemned because I have a different approach than you have. I like my story very much, but I’m rather an insecure person. And, of course, it’s building up when you say “hey I like your story”. Don’t find anything wrong and that doesn’t have anything to do with that I’m just doing this to get good. I also write it anyway, without feedback or anything else. I have just as much trouble and work on world building, character development, etc.. have been there for several years.
I found this spontaneously. Whether it’s good I don’t know, it looks at least professional:
Thank you, I’ll take a look tomorrow.
However, I find Wattpad the easiest thing to do with readers.
Thanks for the great tips! There’s a lot of help here ^^
Here would be a really very dear one who gives wonderful feedback. You could register your story. Click Here
very much. I’ve only been uploading my stories since May. So I know how hard it is. Right at the beginning. If you want, you can look by me or tell me what you’re saying. Here you come to my account.
You could try There they also have a department for Free work. Included
(This is a quote from the homepage of Auxiliary, found on 20.09.2022
Thank you. I’m looking at ☺