Platine defekt?

Hallo zusammen,

mein Rudergerät bzw. das Display schaltet sich laufend ein und aus, quasi wie ein Wackelkontakt.

Kann evtl. jemand erkennen, ob es einen Defekt auf der Platine gibt?

Mir ist ein recht tiefer Kratzer aufgefallen, wobei ich nicht wüsste, wie der in eingebautem Zustand da hingekommen sein sollte 🤔

Ansonsten habe ich da leider recht wenig Ahnung von…

Vielen Dank und Grüße


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10 months ago

The traces over the red cable seem to be interrupted by the scratch.

And the traces of the square IC seem to have been properly repaired. I see some brazing tracks.

It was worth checking with an MM to see if they still have contact.

10 months ago

I can’t see any defects. Let’s see how hot the cooled U2 will be in operation. And at IC1, the solder joints look rather unclean, touching something that should not touch each other? – But then, as a symptom, it wouldn’t be a part-time mistake.

How is the display mounted? Leitgummi likes to have contact problems.

One of the soldered wires under the hot adhesive compound could be loose. If you turn off the hot glue, they are sure. It would have to be very careful, best with heat, to release the glue to improve. Before, if possible in operation, shabble to this wire test to clarify this. Otherwise, all possible parts can be knocked off with a bar, in operation.

10 months ago

The scratch is not a problem, it is on a part of the board, where everything is just a ladder.

Thirty could be on the left edge the two large soldering points, which apparently hold another printed circuit board, so it tends to shakers.

Can you create the shaker by knocking?

10 months ago
Reply to  Aqujla

How does the other side of the board look? Photo?

10 months ago

DEr scratch is banana.

Otherwise I can see nix on the far too small picture

10 months ago

The IC is broken, melted, can rot.

10 months ago
Reply to  SevenOfNein

Hihi, there’s nothing going on…

10 months ago
Reply to  CatsEyes

I don’t know how IC2 and IC1 split up work

10 months ago
Reply to  SevenOfNein

Jo, it looks like the case has been cut off.

10 months ago
Reply to  Shivadasa

Yes, mine always looked like when I ran them with 12V instead of 5V 🫣😄😄

10 months ago

It looks more like there’s too much protective paint on it.