Plastik und kochendes Wasser?
Hallo alle zusammen. Ich habe eine Packung konvertüre. Kann ich die Plastik Packung einfach in kochendes Wasser packen damit die Schokolade schmilzt ?
Hallo alle zusammen. Ich habe eine Packung konvertüre. Kann ich die Plastik Packung einfach in kochendes Wasser packen damit die Schokolade schmilzt ?
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Can you, but it’s a bad idea.
You’ll have to get them out of the packaging without the water coming up because they’ll stop.
What are you doing?
Of course not!
Take it out of the pack, put it in small metal pot, which you then hang into a larger pot with hot water. It’s called warming in a water bath. and temperature control
Don’t do that, the plastic releases microplastic in heat.
Heated plastic, with its delicious plasticizers? If you’re on it, go ahead. Couverture is what is described as grease glaze. Already melts at 40 degrees. What does it have to cook? Why not oven at 200°C?
Or right out into the fire?
These are two completely sublime products
Better wizard mode:
In the case of an addition of foreign fats, such as biskin or concentrated butter, a glaze is made from cuverture (basic chocolate we have always called it during operation). In addition, you can cut them without splinting them so quickly when cut.
Fat glaze does not have to be tempered and is still solid and shining in contrast to envelope, so is much easier to handle. That’s why “Bäckerschokolade”, for the coarse engineers, so to speak… 😂
Cuverture is the “basic building material” for further processing to many chocolate products.
According to EU erosion, it is now possible to use up to 5% of foreign fat and to call it “chocolate”. We confectioners are crying bitter tears.
Better wizard mode.
No get them out of the pack
Yeah, you can. The Schoki will melt.
All you can do is throw the whole spider into the ton. Schoki is melted in a cup