Plasma Spenden kalorien?
Hey, ich beschäftige mich gerade sehr mit abnehmen, davor habe ich mich aber zum Plasma spenden angemeldet, meine Freunde meinten, dass man während der Spende rund 800 Kalorien verliert und die tage darauf 2-3000. Jetzt frage ich mich, bringt das was? denn ich muss davor und danach ja trozdem gut essen?
If you want to donate blood, then it’s for other reasons. That’s the last thing I’d think about when donating.
Did I, too, know this only after my first donation.
You were safely informed and had to sign something. That would have been called safe. It’s quite risky for some.
I was told to eat enough before and after, and I also do
this is NOT a diet method!
the intention is to help other people.
That’s what it is, did it not know until after my first donation
Little food, lots of sports
do I, was just a question whether there is something to eat and eat enough to eat
You don’t have to overdo it.
So just keep going as before and good is