Pkonto? Privat insolvent?
Guten Tag meine Frage ist möchte in die Privatinsolvenz.Wie ist das mit.dem Pkonto wird es Gekündigt oder bleibt es bestehen.hatte die Idee Konto selbständig zu Kündigen und ohne Konto in die privatinsolvenz zu gehen Einkommen unter 1000euro
One basically has nothing to do with the other.
Your P account can stay.
If you already have a P account then it will remain so and is also good?!
The donation-free income is only attributable to the debtor – the insolvency administrator cannot access this.
thanks to the account management agreement will be retained if it is a p account
Yes, but for that it is not going over the border otherwise the money is gone, yes
Thanks I don’t get over the free limit
Don’t worry about the account if the PI is up. In any case, it comes to the bank whether it still receives the account or you need a new account, which is possible. With the opening of the PI, a P-account is no longer necessary, as there is no imposition. However, this also means that the insolvency administrator cannot have the account, even you cannot. How long it takes until it is released is the insolvency administrator.
Does my insolvency administration have to release the P account?
No. Even if this has been repeatedly challenged by many credit institutions in the past, insolvency administrators must not release the P account in order to enable account holders to continue using it. This has now been described in § 36 para. 1 sentence 3 InsO again explicitly stated.
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