Pizzateig zu lange gehen lassen?
Heyy, ich möchte fürs Raclette heute Abend einen Pizzateig machen. Auf dem Rezepten steht ja immer so eine Stunde Gehzeit. Da ich ihn gerne schon jetzt machen würde wollte ich fragen ob es schlimm ist wenn er länger geht. Wären so circa 6 Stunden. Im Internet finde ich nichts dazu. Kennt sich jemand damit aus?
Danke schon mal:)
My pizza dough goes much longer, less yeast comes in.
In any case, it should not be a problem if you store it in the refrigerator or if you have cold weather outside.
pizza dough you leave between 36 and 48 hours. in a refrigerator. on a flour two grams of fresh yeast.
No, the longer you let him go.
Pizza dough or bread dough is sometimes left to go 1-2 days or so. But I think they’ll be knuckled by time.
they are not kneaded during the walking time, but remain nice in the refrigerator.
Generally it is even good to let the pizza dough go long so more bubbles arise
No problem when stored in the refrigerator. It goes far longer. When it is stretched and folded again and again so that fresh oxygen can come down, it extends to at least 24 hours. It also has the advantage that the dough tastes more aromatic.
Simply put it now, put it in the refrigerator on the sheet and get it approx. 1.5 hours before you’re ready to get him out of the fridge. Then it fits!
Six hours at room temperature are a relaxed walking time for a pizza dough, you can also let it go 12 or 24 hours.
Fermentation through the longer walking time not only brings more taste into your pizza dough, but also makes it more pleasant.
No, that’s good.
The longer it goes the better. Like bread.
I mean, he’ll have to go to the fridge. There are also finished pizza dough in the cooling. It’s a long time.