pissloch in unterbüchsen?
Hey Leut*innen und alle dazwischen,
ich hab mal ne Frage bezüglich den Unterhosen die man früher so getragen hat. Also man sieht es ja voll ift in Filmen und so, diese standardmäßigen weißen Slips bei männlich gelesenen Personen (z.B. Walter White würde mir da direkt in den Sinn kommen)! Und die sind irgendwie so konstruiert, dass da so ein kleiner Schlitz an der Seite eingenäht ist.
Ich als wissbegieriges Weibchen möchte nun natürlich gerne wissen, wofür das da ist? Meine Vermutung ist ja, dass man so easy einfach seinen Piepmatz hindurchstecken kann, was ja vor allem praktisch ist, wenn man mal schnell im Stehen irgendwo urinieren geht.??
Liebe Grüße
Eure Petri
So I’m old enough to know that, as a child and adolescent, I’ve worn such things.
And yes, your guess is right. That’s exactly what the slot was there. One has raised the trouser scissors, pulled out the snail by the intervention (whether right or left is absolutely no matter, with right it was a little easier) and then urinated.
The slot, also called “engagement”, originally used to be easier to urinate while standing. Today, many hardly use it and prefer to pull down the underpants. I also had such underpants as a child – the intervention was standard at that time. 😊
Then there would have to have been other pants depending on whether you were left-handed or right-handed ….
There are also bilateral interventions.
Sozusagen für Doppelpenis.
There weren’t so many left-handed. Most of them were wounded on the right.
In the 1960s and 1970s it was not as advanced. The children were better trained on the right hand when they were left-handed.
Your intension is right. Calls for intervention.
That’s it!
No that would be unhygienic
Then why do the others say anything else??
That’s exactly what happened. I’m sure there is still today.
More practical it is safe to open the (Jeans) pants
and pull the underpants at the front to urinate.
What is unhygienic about it? You wash your hands (or not). But if women take that thing unwashed in the mouth of sex is hygienic?
This is like a stretching joint so that the sex part does not have to adapt to the lower bush, but vice versa!
No, that’s bullshit.
That’s nonsense.
I believe
Everyone who tried it will say pulling down the bush is easier.