Pinterest Bilder nach Bearbeitung Copyright free?


Ich habe auf Fresco eine Zeichnung von Pinterest durchgepaust, d.h. in der Essenz ist das Bild gleich, jedoch in eigenen Farben und Zeichnungsstil. Wie sieht es da jetzt mit den Copyrights aus? Es wäre nämlich ein Motiv, welches ich auch gerne als Druck verkaufen würde.

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2 years ago

I mean, the legal situation would be that the picture must be changed fundamentally.

Either the original is only a small part of the new picture or simply can no longer be seen. If it has “only” other colors and other character style, it will not be sufficient for unambiguous/complicated motifs, which one can also recognize as a rule.

2 years ago

As long as the motif is still recognizable, it is subject to the copyright. You – or your customers – risk a lot of trouble. Detection, damages, etc. Especially if you want to sell your based works.

Tip, get in touch with the photographer and let the image be correctly accentuated.

Alternatively, there are plenty of sources on the Internet that are copyright free. For example, pixabay.