Ping steigt?
ich bin in meiner neuen Wohnung in Trier.
Ich möchte ab und zu etwas Fortnite spielen, leider macht der Ping nicht wirklich mit, was dazu führt, dass das Spiel nicht wirklich genießbar ist.
Ich kann das Spiel normal mit 20 Ping spielen, insofern kein anderes Gerät etwas im Internet macht. Sobald ich zum Beispiel auf meinem Handy eine Internetseite öffne, springt der Ping auf 100, bis ich die Internet-App schließe. Auch wenn ich im Hintergrund den Browser öffne, passiert das.
Woran liegt das und kann ich dagegen was tun?
Ich bin bei Telekom … können die das fixen?
Danke für die Hilfe
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
You know what a ping says?
This is the duration of an echo request from your terminal via your local network to your router, from there via the connection to the network of your provider, then via various exchange points and network nodes to the network of the target server and then to the server itself…. and all the way back.
You only have an influence on what happens within your own network. You’re out of Router.
A ping does not tell you where the delays occur. This can be, for example, Pathping or TraceRoute. Only if the delays occur in your network can you change something yourself – e.g. turn off terminals, so that they do not cause traffic. If this goes up from your router to the server, maybe your provider can do something – as long as it happens in its network. Outside the provider network, even your ISP has no possibilities. (And even in case of delays in his network he won’t do much.)
Basically, the ping to the Fortnite servers is good… only if a different application is opened in my network, this ping increase will occur. So it really has to be on my network… I’m not a computer scientist. I don’t know about it. That’s why I write on a good question so that people can help me with more knowledge in this area.
I think my network is just overloaded very quickly, just I don’t know how to solve the problem?
How fast is your booked fare and what router do you have? Is the Wi-Fi used? Make sure you use LAN or WLAN. Best regards
This is due to many factors, but in your router you can prioritize your PC. Best regards
The speed is 50 MBit/s in the download and 10 MBit/s in the upload (mobile radio network)
DSL 16000 Download: 16 MBit/s and Upload: 2.4 …
That’s what it says when I read it correctly.
I use WLan, but I would like to make cable connection, but this cannot be done via the router, as the distance is so great. Is it possible to get an adapter?
At the moment we are in my WG with 3 laptops on the Internet.
But it was just my laptop on the net, because my two roommates were on the way… the ping went up to 100 as soon as I had opened up only 1 website on my laptop or mobile phone. When I closed the websites again, the ping went down to 30.
presumably you use wlan and that works on a disturbed frequency. The disturbances are noticeable when more bandwidth is used, e.g. when a website is called up.
It would be best to use a Lankabel.
Hello, thank you for the information. I can’t connect my device directly to the WLan Box… can I use an alternative (adapter)? Where do I get one?
I’ve changed the frequency… it’s not going to be 100 high now, it’s just 80… so it’s significantly improved, but unfortunately the problem is not yet resolved. Absolutely thanks for the help!
Do you use 2.4ghz or 5 GHz band?