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No only with the PUK
Evtl can get the new or a replacement Sim with new PIN and PUK
Thank you. The facts have been cleared
3 times PIN incorrect -> blocked -> PUK to enter the corresponding -> this is not known then have a problem
Either you can retrieve the PUK in the customer center itself or you can contact your provider, who then tells you how it goes on
No. That’s just the meaning of a PIN
When I call Vodafone and give them my phone number? Maybe then?
No, neither. On the one hand, you can change a PIN at any time, on the other hand the proof that you are the rightful owner must be provided.
You’ve always done this on purpose so that you can’t use smart or “found” smartphones so easily. Only the provider can help you.
PUK 1 knows your provider’s hotline.