Pilze in der Tomatenerde, Schädlich für die Tomaten?


ich pflanze dieses Jahr zum ersten mal Tomaten an. Ich habe mir eine Bio Erde von einem bekannten Baumarkt geholt die extra für Tomaten ist.

Heute habe ich gemerkt das in der Erde Pilze wachsen. Sind diese schädlich für die Tomaten? Wie entstehen diese Pilze? Ist die Erde nicht gut?

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1 year ago

The plant soil you buy today, also with organic note. is the last scrap and from my point of view fraud.

For example, cultivators. Prepare all plants from their own seeds. This year have used the same seed in partly bought soil and in self-mixed substrate (each part of muzzle earth, compost and sand). It’s better for the plants.

Even simple flower earth is doubtful. Buyed earth is not really ripe, contains much too many ingredients in the decomposition process that extract nutrients and water from plants. Mushroom formation is the best evidence.

The mushrooms are an indication of bad earth, do not harm your tomatoes directly.

Tomatoes come clear with economical irrigation, mushrooms do not. Apply soil surface easily, dry grass cut or place cardboard around the plants.

1 year ago

No problem.

The tomato soil is a good part of compost and fibers, as these harmless mushrooms also live in. No bad sign for your tomatoes.

1 year ago

The trade, which is now called tomato ground, is stretched with non-corroded wood, which is almost bound to fraud.

These mushrooms are the starters of dead wood and do nothing to your tomato plant.
But they are also an indicator of the fact that this “extraterde” for tomatoes is not in a rotting stage in which it can supply essential nutrients to the tomato.

Such “pull questions” have taken since approx. 1 year overhand, and I have also noticed for a few years that substrates, whatever type, are more for the furnace and not for the flower pot.

Pest for tomatoes

is more of this woody stuff, but not the mushrooms.

1 year ago
Reply to  Blumenacker

what would you recommend balkongärtner, leave tomatenerde for a year longer?

1 year ago
Reply to  Rheinflip

One could sieve out the coarse components with a sieve and throw them on the compost swabs or as a bark trough under shrubs or simply under a road rim bush. (You could also bring it back to the store where you bought it, so that you can see what’s in there).
I do this every year with my own “compost piles” what is actually simply a biowaste pile, because I don’t have a compost-friendly layer, but I don’t know how it is.
The mesh size of my screen has about 12 mm, if you want it to be finer, you can re-seven with a finer screen.
Seventh own compost is a treat for the eye and for the feeling of the hand.
There is no more fertilizer.

Tomato soil (and all other “earths” also) should be 1-2 years in theory. I have no patience for this, and you also need a storage space for it.

1 year ago

Hello, the mushrooms are not a negative quality feature for the earth. Their spores are practically everywhere. They feed on the dead plant residues in the earth and decompose them. Minerals and nutrients are released, which can also be used for themselves.

1 year ago
Reply to  Morchelmeister

Until the wood in this “tomato harvest” is decomposed to the extent that tomatoes can use their nutrients, the vegetation period is long over and the tomato is no longer available.

1 year ago
Reply to  Blumenacker

Of course, on the wood the mushroom has some time to crack, but already in the colonization nutrients are released, even before fruit bodies appear at all.

It is true, however, to call the “earth” is quite three times. It looks more like waste from the wood industry. I guess someone thought why they could get away if they could sell it.