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5 years ago

With an ad you can become everything you want and whatever you are suitable for. Except for the police. There all the investigation procedures have to be completed – positively completed for you.

But there’s nothing wrong with an ad. It becomes interesting only when an investigation procedure is opened, and then again when you are spoken guilty. And then the verdict and the offence.

5 years ago

An ad is not yet a condemnation. And for the “release” of pilot training, the Federal Aviation Office requires, among other things, the presentation of an authority guidance certificate which contains more information than a private one.

However, this FüZ is not sent to the applicant, but goes directly from the Federal Justice Office to the LBA.

And then it can happen that LBA excludes license acquisition, depending on the crimes entered.

5 years ago


In addition to the Bundeswehr, fines are of interest to a private company only insofar as it is relevant to the employment office.

A pilot would be B.

-Administration against people (body injury, etc.)

-External abuse

-Intellectual property

5 years ago
Reply to  OlafausNRW

However, this is not about any criminal charges, the FS speaks of an ad.

5 years ago

Pilot can be in many ways. With the display it depends on the trainer and on the type of display.

If you want to fly passenger machines, focus on physics, math and English, do your Abi and let you train from one of the big airlines. You can make a private appearance for sailing or ultralight aircraft. Costs a lot. Or you can go to the covenant.

5 years ago
Reply to  valentin1842

With the display it depends on the trainer

Explain. How does an instructor want to know about an ad?

5 years ago
Reply to  wiki01

Inspection of the record? Yes, the FS speaks explicitly of an ad. But knowing what is meant, even if the question is unhappy, is even really difficult?

5 years ago

You don’t see everything in the leadership certificate. It is a fine below a fixed limit and is the first sentence, it does not appear in the guidance certificate (except it would be a sexual offence).

5 years ago

*for the

5 years ago

You put something in my mouth. I’m guessing you’re gonna have to apply for a lead certificate.

5 years ago

What trainer has an insight into the record? Besides authorities, no one has access to the BZR.

5 years ago

What did you do?

But since you’re still a child with 14, it can’t have been sooo bad. So let’s be a pilot.