Pillenpause verlängert?
Guten Abend,
ich habe versehentlich meine Pilleneinnahme um 3 Tage verlängert. Ich habe die Pause am 18.09 begonnen. Die nächste Pille habe ich aber erst am 28.09 fortgesetzt. Am Freitag den 20.09 hatte ich GV. Meine hervorgerufene Blutung endete am Donnerstag den 26.09.
Nun zu meinen Fragen:
besteht überhaupt die Möglichkeit Schwanger zu werden?
nehme ich den neuen vollen Blister bis zur letzten Pille oder sollte ich früher aufhören und in die nächste Pause gehen?
Und bitte spart mir die Kommentare „wie kann denn sowas passieren?“ „ließ die Packungsbeilage“ da gibt es keinen Punkt wenn man die Pille länger als nur einen Tag vergessen hat. wir sind alle nur Menschen und jeden kann sowas mal passieren. Niemand ist perfekt.
P.S es wäre nicht schlimm wenn ich Schwanger sein könnte da ich in einer festen Partnerschaft bin mit Kinder für die Zukunftspläne. Aber es wäre jetzt noch kein 100 prozentiger Wunsch dass dies jetzt schon passieren könnte. Heißt also ich habe keine Panik oder sonstiges. Ich möchte mich einfach nur Informieren.
vielen Dank und einen schönen Abend noch
That’s exactly what you should do.
I’m sure there’s about:
“The more film tablets you have forgotten, the higher the risk that protection from pregnancy is reduced.”
Jein. Especially in the case of an error in the first week, there is the possibility of a breakthrough ovulation.
But since the GV was at the beginning of the pill break, I only see a small risk here.
Happy for you!
Thank you.
may you answer me the question if I still have to take the full blister?
Why don’t you want to take the blister and bleed again?
Do you think it’s enough in my case if I take the pill for 7 days with additional contraception?
If it could have been that I would have to end the Blister earlier because I missed 3 days.
If the break lasts longer than 7 days then it is like forgetting in the first week of taking: The missed pill immediately decrease even if you have to take 2 pills at the same time. Then continue normal again. But the next 7 days, at the Qlaira 9 days, in any case additionally prevent. In the case of GV during the 7 days prior to the taking error there is also the possibility of pregnancy.
So you should get the pill as soon as possible (the pill after that you can still take up to 5 days after the GV, the sooner the better). NOTE: If you take the pill after that you can lose the protection of the pill. The protection will only begin once the pill has been removed after the pill at least 14 days uninterrupted and error-free.
In case of an error, it is important to read in the package immediately how to react to the error.
A very good advice from , community expert for pills
“Get this place on the edge so you can find it quickly if you need it!”
To avoid forgetting the pill, you can save the memory into your phone. You can also place the pack next to the coffee machine, next to the coffee cups or next to the toothbrush.
Our many years of experience has shown that it is safer to take the pill in the morning. You usually stand up at the same time and when you get up on the weekend once later, the time difference doesn’t matter if you’re in the package leaflet of the pill that you can take a forgotten pill up to 12 hours (some pills can only be taken up to 3 hours, some up to 24 hours) without losing protection. Besides, you have time to take a forgotten pill all day. In the evening, you’re more on the go, and you’ll see the time.
Greetings HobbyTfz
That’s what I think.
If you were to calculate, you would know that I could be rather unlikely to get pregnant and get the pill after that.
From 18.09 to 24.09 would be my regular 7 Tägige pill break. And because I still had GV on 20.09 I am still in the tolerant area as sperm can survive up to 5 days in the vagina. By counting the GV tag means from 20.09 – 24.09 I have 5 days. All safe.
and I also wrote that in my case it would not be bad if there was an increased risk of pregnancy