
Wenn ich die Pillenpause mache, beginnt es dann sofort an dem Tag zu bluten, wo ich die Pille nicht mehr nehme, oder dauert das ein paar Tage? Und hört es sofort wieder auf, wenn ich die Pille mach 7 Tagen wieder nehme?

ich weiß, dass das bei jedem unterschiedlich ist, aber vielleicht hat ja wer von euch Erfahrung damit

LG und danke im Voraus

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7 months ago

Nix for ungood – but slowly the idea is that the manufacturers save on paper and leave the use information.

Because actually you have the perfect source of information with the right hints exactly suitable for your pill directly with each pack.

Even if you do not use the pill for prevention, all questions about contraceptive action, taking, typical side effects, interactions and taking errors, etc. are usually answered in the use information – you can also googlen if you do not have it at the moment.

Take a look.

Usually the bleeding begins on the 2nd or 3rd day of the tablet break. But the day she starts after the start of the pill break can be different.

Even without a pregnancy, it can come to the complete absence of the bleeding in the days of the cessation.

Happy for you!

7 months ago


The bleeding ) can be weaker, come late or even stay out of place, she also says nothing about whether you are pregnant or not. It is only important that the pill break never lasts longer than 7 days. On the eighth day you start again with the first pill of the new blister, regardless of whether you had a bleeding or whether it still stops.

Greetings HobbyTfz

7 months ago

It takes a few days.

The hormones have a few hours of effectiveness.

With me it takes about two to three days until my “period” comes.

7 months ago

bleeding occurs after 1-5 days and sometimes goes longer than the pause.

got my immet so on the 2,3th day and had it still weak on the 1st day of taking.

7 months ago

understand the question not complete

if I don’t take it anymore, so adopted on Saturday the last, then I get my days on Monday, which will go so 5 days and if you would nimtm the pills again it would stop again

7 months ago


7 months ago

So you mean bleeding. It occurs most in a period of 1-5 days after the last pill intake.