Pillen frage?

Hallo Leute. Habe heute meine Pille um 6 Uhr früh genommen habe aber erst 4 Tage genommen

Morgen währe also der 5 Tage penne aber bei meinem Freund. Und habe vergessen die Pille zu nehmen. Bin also nicht mehr geschützt oder wenn ich sie morgen dann nicht nehmen kann? Bitte um schnelle Antwort

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1 year ago


If you forget the pill and take it within the recommended 12 hours (provided it is in the package note that you can take a forgotten pill within 12 hours) then you are still protected. You must then always make sure that the time difference between taking two pills is never greater than 36 hours (24+12). If you have not taken it within 12 hours (at the Zoely, Yaz, Slinda, Daylette 24+4 Placebos, 24 hours, but does not apply in the first week), then it depends on the week of taking it:

In the first week of adoption: The missed pill immediately decrease even if you have to take 2 pills at the same time. Then continue normal again. But the next 7 days, at the Qlaira 9 days, in any case additionally prevent. In the case of GV during the 7 days prior to the taking error there is also the possibility of pregnancy.

Greetings HobbyTfz

1 year ago

Right, with a mistake in the first week, you lose protection.

Condoms would be helpful.

Happy for you!