Pillen einnahme pause?

nehme heute Samstag die letzte pille in der Packung. Da steht Samstag und gibt keine weitere mehr in der Päckchen. Und nächste woche Sonntag dann wieder die Einnahme. Also sind das 7 tage richtig? Die pillen pause soll ja 7 tage sein. Weil bei der Packung steht son ( sonntag ) und am ende sam ( samstag) also ust das richtig?

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2 years ago

Hello Celina983

Sa last pill

So 1st break day

Mo 2.


We’re four.

Do 5.


Sa 7.

So 8th day and you start taking again. Every first pill of each blister you always take on the same weekday

You always take the first pill from the first row, which is labeled with So

Greetings HobbyTfz

2 years ago

Yes is correct, you have to take the pill break

with the right pill goes without

is organic no matter except you are kind of sick in the area.

2 years ago

Yes is correct if your last day of taking was, for example, a Wednesday, you take a 7-day break and start next Thursday again, don’t get irritated by the weekdays. Mainly, you take it as described on the package leaflet.

2 years ago

Right, you’ll take the last pill today, then take the break tomorrow, and on the 8th day you’ll take the pill.