Pille vergessen, schwanger?

Ich nehme die Pille schon seit März 2023. Bis September habe ich sie durchgenommen, später beschlossen alle 3 Monate eine Pause einzulegen. Meine letzte 7-Tage Pause war am 24. Januar. Seit dem nehme ich sie regelmäßig. Gestern hatte ich Gv und am Abend habe ich dann vergessen die Pille zu nehmen. Habe dass dann auch erst heute, 22 Std später, bemerkt und sofort zusammen mit der heutigen eingenommen. Wie hoch ist nun die Wahrscheinlichkeit dass ich schwanger werden könnte?

(Pille Sibilla)

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1 year ago

I can’t tell you that.

But I would always insist next time that he uses a condom, whether you take the pill or not.

If he doesn’t want it, there’s no GV. You can get pregnant, he can’t.

1 year ago

Not every fault also leads to loss of protection. It depends on the pill you take, in which week the error has happened and, of course, whether you correct it (for a combination pill, if necessary by adjusting the intake scheme).

In the second week of taking, a mistake in a usual combination pill as well as your sibilla is absolutely no drama, since the at least 7 pills before the ovaries are almost in deep sleep. You take the forgotten pill as soon as possible and the next one again at the usual time (i.e. possibly even two at once).

You are and then remain protected and do not have to additionally prevent.

In the long-term cycle of a combination pill, only the actual first week after a break is considered “first week” and only the actual last week before a break is considered “third week”. Every other day, weeks or months in between are “second” weeks.

Happy for you!

1 year ago

There’s nothing wrong with the one-time. Two times later, I’d be more afraid.

P.s. to get pregnant you need an egg. Pille suppresses the maturation