Pille vergessen, bin ich noch geschütz?
Hallo zusammen,
nehme seit Juli die Pille ( Dienovel ) durch ohne Pause.
hatte am 05.10 nach der Einnahme nach 30 – 45 Minuten Durchfall und habe aufgrund das ich im Urlaub war keine mehr nachnehmen können, die anderen hab ich wieder gewöhnlich eingenommen. Am Mittwoch habe ich dann ein neues blister begonnen ohne Pause. Und hatte auch GV . Ist mein Schutz durchgehend da gewesen? Habe am Freitag und Samstag dann ganz leichte zwischen Blutung gehabt. Was mich etwas beunruhigt hat.
Danke für eure Hilfe
In the long-term cycle of a usual combination pill, you can even “forget” up to 7 pills, which would then simply be a normal break, which is protected after at least 14 pill days.
You were and are protected and don’t have to prevent it.
Compared to the cyclical application, the risk of intermediate bleeding (which are already a typical side effect of each pill) is slightly increased in the long-term cycle. This does not mean, however, that intermediate bleeding must occur, but can only occur.
To let the cervical mucosa bleed out in peace, you can take a break now. This would also be protected because after the “mistake” you took at least 7 pills correctly.
Happy for you!
Do you not have to take a break every month after 3 weeks for 1 week? Ask the doctor. No, you’re not well protected in the chaotic intake. BItte go back to safety and ask the women’s doctor.
The mini pill is usually taken through.
The dienovel is not a mini pill, but a combination pill can also be “transmitted”.
The long-term cycle of a combination pill is not unhealthy than generally taking the pill. It is even recommended today, as there is no medical reason why an abortion bleeding should take place regularly once a month.
However, the long-term cycle offers a lot of advantages: a uniform supply of hormones is often better tolerated by the body, there are fewer menstrual problems, PMS and migraine, and cost savings in hygiene articles and the safety of contraception is higher, as the fault-prone pause in which the egg ripening begins again.
@Jana: I’m sure you know this 😉
Okay, thanks. they didn’t exist with me before.
You can also take the pill in the long-term cycle and then take a break after 6 months