Pille vergessen?
Hi Leute,
Was passiert wenn ich ausversehen die Pille 2 Tage lange vergessen habe zu nehmen….?
Kann man dagegen jetzt noch was machen? Doppelt nehmen sollte man ja glaube ich nicht, oder?
Mfg Autipoly2flu
Hi Leute,
Was passiert wenn ich ausversehen die Pille 2 Tage lange vergessen habe zu nehmen….?
Kann man dagegen jetzt noch was machen? Doppelt nehmen sollte man ja glaube ich nicht, oder?
Mfg Autipoly2flu
Hi, nehme die pille, weil meine Regel viel zu extrem war und ich dadurch sogar so viel Blut verloren habe, dass es zu Ohnmacht kam. Jedoch habe ich durch die Pille das Gefühl zugenommen zu haben und ich will auch diese Hormone nicht mehr in mich reinpumpen. Jedoch habe ich Angst, dass es dann wieder…
Angenommen man hatte gestern sex und alles klappt im Verlauf. Zählt dann der heutige Tag als erster Schwangerschaftstag oder muss man paar wochen raufrechnen?
hallo, ich habe 6 Jahre die Pille genommen, dann abgesetzt und 1 Jahr garkeine Verhütungsmittel und dann hab ich mir die Spirale einsetzen lassen, nach einem Jahr wieder entfernen lassen und 4 Monate die Pille genommen und vor 3 Wochen die Pille abgesetzt, wie lange dauert es das es das man schwanger werden kann?
Hallo, Sollte man Antidepressiva bei Bedarf nehmen?
Hallo, ich bin 16 Jahre alt und habe immer noch nicht meine Periode. Vermutlich liegt das an meinem Untergewicht, das ich von meinem Vater vererbt und schon mein ganzes Leben lang habe. Die Ärzte meinten auch immer, das das bei mir normal sei. Ich wiege 41kg bei einer Körpergröße von 1,65m. Ich kann so viel…
Hallo, ich habe eine Frage: und zwar habe ich vor 2 Monaten die Pille danach genommen, danach wirkt die normale Pille ja für den restlichen Zyklus nicht mehr. Dann hatte ich meine Periode und bin jetzt mit dem 1. blister nach der Periode fertig (bin im lzz) und fange heute mit dem 2. blister an….
Nix for ungood – but slowly the idea is that the manufacturers save on paper and leave the use information.
Because actually you have the perfect source of information with the right hints exactly suitable for your pill directly with each pack.
As a rule, all questions concerning the contraceptive effect, taking, typical side effects, interactions and taking errors etc. are answered in the use information.
Forgot several pills?
Although not every fault also leads to loss of protection. It depends on the pill you take, in which week the error has happened and, of course, whether you correct it (for a combination pill, for example by adjusting the intake scheme).
But several forgotten pills are really doof and can not be made as easy (except in the third week of intake).
Surely you will also find in the use information of your pill under“If you forgot to take XY”exactly explains what to do if or when you are protected again and whether there is the possibility of pregnancy and emergency prevention is appropriate.
Happy for you!
Prevent and prevent for the rest of the intake period. If it’s just before the end of the blister, you can stop taking now and get your days sooner. Take the pill (can be done with certain pills and after consultation with the female doctor) and that was long (3 months credible), then the 2 days do nothing.
With two forgotten pills, the protection is definitely gone.
If you forget the pill and take it within the recommended 12 hours (provided it is in the package note that you can take a forgotten pill within 12 hours) then you are still protected. You must then always make sure that the time difference between taking two pills is never greater than 36 hours (24+12). If you have not taken it within 12 hours (at the Zoely, Yaz, Slinda, Daylette 24+4 Placebos, 24 hours, but does not apply in the first week), then it depends on the week of taking it:
In the first week of adoption: The missed pill immediately decrease even if you have to take 2 pills at the same time. Then continue normal again. But the next 7 days, at the Qlaira 9 days, in any case additionally prevent. In the case of GV during the 7 days prior to the taking error there is also the possibility of pregnancy.
In the second week of adoption: Take the forgotten pill immediately, even if you have to take 2 pills at the same time. Then continue normal again. If the previous 7 days the pill was taken regularly, the protection is still present, even during the break. If you forget more than one pill then you have to additionally prevent the next 7 days and in the break you are only protected if the pill was taken regularly 14 days ago.
In the third take-off week: either take the pill further and start with the next blister without a break, or immediately take 7 days (no longer) break (the day of the forgotten pill must then be counted as the first break day) and then start with the next blister. In both cases, protection is preserved.
When picking up (reducing the possibility of intermediate bleeding) it is best to use the last pill of the blister, then you do not get messed up with the days (but only for pills without placebos).
At the Cerazett, Damara, Desofemono, Desogestrel, Jubrele, Aristo, Feanolla, Solgest and lyzbetthe next 7 days must be additionally prevented for each error.
At Belara, Belissima, , Chariva, Chloee, Enriqua, Lilia, Minette, Mona-Hexal, Neo-Eunomin and Trigoa, the next 7 days must be additionally prevented for each error and the break must be omitted
In case of an error, it is important to read in the package immediately how to react to the error.
A very good advice from , community expert for pills
“Get this place on the edge so you can find it quickly if you need it!”
To avoid forgetting the pill, you can save the memory into your phone. You can also place the pack next to the coffee machine, next to the coffee cups or next to the toothbrush.
Our many years of experience has shown that it is safer to take the pill in the morning. You usually stand up at the same time and when you get up on the weekend, the difference in time doesn’t matter if you’re in the package leaf of the pill that you can take a forgotten pill up to 12 hours (some pills can only be taken up to 3 hours) without losing protection. Besides, you have time to take a forgotten pill all day. In the evening, you’re more on the go, and you’ll see the time.
Greetings HobbyTfz
as soon as you noticed that you forgot her and it’s still in the 12h frame to take you right away. Even if you have to take 2 on that day.
Otherwise proceed as usual with taking. But also use a condom for sex until protection is guaranteed.
And how long can it take until everything is okay?
after about a week of regular intake, protection should be granted again.
Okay, thanks.