Pille und Grapefruitsaft?
Hey hab gehört dass es Wechselwirkungen zwischen der Antibabypille und Grapefruitsaft gibt
und habe jz paar Schlücke von Iso mit Grapefruitsaft aus Grapefruchkonzentrat 2% getrunken.
Ist das schlimm? Sry falls meine Frage dumm ist aber sicher ist sicher.
Hello, one eternal Legend…
You can enjoy a normal amount of grapefruit juice (for example at breakfast) without having to panic. :
Just don’t let yourself be insecure with all kinds of evidence from the internet…smile. – Greetings, Imke =)
In Grapefruits there is a high dose of the substance naringenin. This affects the enzymes in the intestine in such a way that they reduce the degradation of food or medicines.
No quantities of grapefruits have to be eaten. A glass of grapefruit juice is sufficient to produce this effect.
The inhibited degradation thus increases the effect of taken pharmaceuticals and also, for example, the anti-baby pill.
The contraceptive effect of the pill is not weakened, but the estrogen in the blood increases.
One consequence of this is an increased risk of thrombosis. Other side effects, such as chest tensions or the like, can also occur.
Look here, for example:
But the stuff you drank has been a grapefruit…
Happy for you!
Grapefruit juice actually has interactions with various drugs, but the pill belongs not to.
Simply read section 3 of the package leaflet, such things have to be done if you have to consider something.
No, that’s not bad