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1 year ago

Hello, the inflammation you described torpedizes the safe and reliable effect of your pill preparation with absolute certainty NOT. The diarrhea as described.

Don’t worry completely, all the fun with you!

1 year ago

Well, I’m not a doctor, but I can try to give you some information. If you have an inflammation somewhere on your body, it can theoretically have effects on the pill effect or your hormones. Inflammation can affect the metabolism and thus also the way your body processes medications, including the pill.

Regarding diarrhea, it is important to note that diarrhea can affect the effect within 4 hours after taking pills. However, if it was 14 hours after taking, the effect of the pill should not normally be impaired.

1 year ago

Hello Jen123379

4 hours after taking the pill, the active ingredients have certainly already passed into the organism and are still protected. If you break within 4 hours, or really liquid diarrhoea it is necessary to take a pill in order not to lose protection (taking into account the recommended take-up time of the pill).

After 14 hours, it has no influence

Greetings HobbyTfz

1 year ago
Reply to  Jen123379

Inflammation has no influence, but medicines that you may have an influence on it