Pille und Antibiotika?
Hey! 🙂
Ich nehme jeden Tag regelmäßig die Pille und muss heute Antibiotika ( Azithromycin 500 / 3 Filmtabletten) nehmen, da ich eine Entzündung habe. 3 Tabletten auf einmal und dann keine Antibiotika mehr.
Mein Freund wird am Donnerstag kommen und wir werden mit Kondom verhüten, da empfohlen wurde eine Woche zusätzlich zu verhüten, jedoch habe ich auch gelesen, dass Azithromycin keine Nebenwirkungen mit der Pille hat oder dass man 4 wocheb zusätzlich verhüten sollte, statt 1 und die verschiedenen Informationen haben ehrlich gesagt verwirrt.. Ich habe leider nichts in der Packungsbeilage gefunden, deswegen frag ich euch! 😊
Außerdem werde ich am Sonntag meine letzte Pille vor der Pillenpause nehmen und wollte fragen, ob ich eventuell durch das Antibiotika keine Blutung bekomme?
Danke schonmal für die Antworten! ☺️
Hello Sophie7492
If the antibiotic really impairs the protection (if you get out of the supplemental leaflet of the antibiotic, you are under interactions) then you are no longer protected. However, you have to additionally prevent the next 7 uninterrupted days of taking pills after putting off the antibiotic. The pill Qlaira is 9 days. In the break, however, you are only protected if you have taken the pill 14 days before (Qlaira 24 days, Belara 21 days) error-free and you continue taking it after the break.
If the antibiotic has an interaction with the pill then you should leave the break
Greetings HobbyTfz
Okay super thank you!
Thanks for the star
You’re welcome
Hello, the (original) assumption that normal antibiotics reduce the protective effect of the pill (now and after several corresponding scientific studies on the subject) is by now no more than “Old School” will LEIDER however, always and repeatedly untruthfully published on the Internet. ^^
I’ll just give you the right one professional Link to hand:
Don’t worry about anything and don’t let yourself be insecure from COUNTRY knowledge; you have been, are and remain alone with correct use by the hormone preparation you use very excellent and comprehensive protected from an undesirable conception, any additional protection (condome, for example) is superfluous. – Many greetings, Imke =)
(And a few more links to this topic I have in my cup too, haha, I shouldn’t care… main thing, you loved ones don’t always tremble completely groundless!)
Thank you very much! produkt️
Whether there is an interaction depends on the combination of pill preparation and antibiotic, so it is not possible to say whether there are interactions. But you can ask in the pharmacy and call the name of the antibiotic and your pill. If they say that there are no interactions, you don’t have to consider anything in addition and can also have sex without condom. However, if there are any interactions, you should additionally prevent it until you have taken at least 7 pills of APPROACHING correctly after taking the antibiotic. In this case, you should either not take a break at the end of the blister, but directly attach the next blister and only take a break at the end of the blister and have to prevent 7 days in addition or you will normally go to the break, but then additionally have to prevent 7 pills after the break.