pille, übergeben?
hey ich habe heute morgen um 7 Uhr die Pille genommen und jetzt(2h später) allerdings wegen Migräne mich übergeben. Es war nicht so viel, hauptsächlich flüssigkeit. Würdet ihr empfehlen die Pille nach zu nehmen? oder denkt ihr das ist kein problem?
Yes, in any case, the protection is still guaranteed
Within 2 hours, the active ingredient of the pill has not yet been completely absorbed by the body.
All about 4 hours after taking pills is safe
4 hours after taking the pill, the active ingredients have certainly already passed into the organism and are still protected. If you break within 4 hours you have to take a pill to avoid losing the protection (taking into account the recommended take-up time of the pill).
Greetings HobbyTfz
So, normally the pill should be resorbed by then, but I wouldn’t rely on it. You better ask your female doctor.
No, the protection is no longer given.
For this, you look into the package leaflet. There’s exactly what to do.
Please read the package leaflet!!!
At 99% you are now unprotected. Read the package leaflet, what you need to do now.