Pille nur 20 Tage nehmen und dann 7 tage Pause machen?
Hey ich hätte eine frage zur Pille. Kann man die Pille einmal auch nur 20 Tage lang nehmen und dann trotzdem 7 tage Pause machen? Wäre der Schutz dann weg oder würde es dann als vergessen gilten?
You have the perfect source of information with the right hints exactly suitable for your pill directly with each pack.
As a rule, all questions concerning the contraceptive effect, taking, typical side effects, interactions and taking errors etc. are answered in the use information.
What’s the 3rd? Section of Use Information under ‘If you forgot to take XY“?
In principle, in a conventional micropille (combination pill with two active ingredients), you can easily move the medically unnecessary pause without any loss of protection; prefer (after at least 14 pill days), move backwards, shorten or even drop out completely (long-term cycle).
Only do not extend – so maximum (usually) 7 days without taking!
It doesn’t matter if you take 15, 21, 23, 28, 42, 50, 77 or 100 pills consecutively or the break takes one, three, five or seven days.
These possibilities arise from the information under“You forgot 1 film tablet in week 3”and‘Moving the monthly bleeding:’andChange the first day of your monthly bleeding:’.
Happy for you!
You can usually take the break after 14 days, so after 14 correctly taken pills. It is important that the pause is not extended and NO is made in the third and first week of taking.
You can take any other rules from your package leaflet.
Should I take a break for only 7 days or 8 days?
Maximum 7 days, otherwise the protection is gone
Please read my answer again, I already said.