Pille mit 14?


Ich war heute beim Frauenarzt wegen starken Bauchschmerzen. Die hatte mir die Pille empfohlen da ich ziemlich Probleme mit meiner Periode habe und auch sehr starke schmerzen. Durch die Pille würde ich meine Periode nicht mehr bekommen. Ich wollte fragen was ihr davon haltet und was eure Erfahrungen sind ?

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1 month ago


I sometimes find it sad how easy it is to make gynecologists.

The pill as a contraceptive is, of course, great and I don’t mind it, but if you have symptoms you shouldn’t immediately prescribe the pill. The problem is that you don’t know why you have these problems at all. It could also be a disease behind it or something far more harmless like a B6 or magnesium deficiency which can be treated super easy without hormones.

The pill suppresses only the symptoms but does not treat the trigger. This is like when you have a constant headache and now you have to take painkillers every day so that the headaches do not occur at all. At some point, one will be skeptical why one has this pain and asks whether the suppression of the pain is really so useful instead of treating the cause.

Make some pressure that you’ll be examined properly before you take the pill. Investigation, smearing, vaginal ultrasound, urine sample, blood collection and, if necessary, transfer to the endocrinologe or a abdominal level with suspicion of endometriosis.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



1 month ago
Reply to  Nele1773

There are more diseases that cause severe pain than endometriosis

1 month ago

Then you have to take the pill if you don’t want to fight the cause of your pain or because you can’t tell your female doctor.

Either you take them, but you may have side effects.

Lean them off, continue to have severe pain and try it with painkillers and TENS device.

Pick them up and ask for further cause research. If they refuse to change the female doctor.

1 month ago

I was like old when I got her and I would rather have decided differently at that time.

I suffered from many side effects.

1 month ago

It’s the “simple” solution that you’re describing and hoping to solve the problem.

So perfectly ideal it is not and the pill also has lots of side effects.

You should get a second opinion again and get a closer look at the actual cause of your problems.

1 month ago

Well, the symptoms can be naturally alleviated or reduced. they don’t appear anymore.

However, you should consider whether you want to give you a hormone cocktail with 14 such. The doctor must also tell you about the side effects.

1 month ago
Reply to  Nele1773

Well, as others have already mentioned, the pill at this age can also cause other undesirable side effects, such as a sustainable disorder of the natural menstruation cycle.

I personally see such a hormone bomb as the last possibility.

1 month ago

I don’t think I can get a 14-year-old straight to the pill.

Have you been researched for causes? Like PCOS, endometriosis…?

The pill can be useful, but also has risks and potential side effects.And if you start taking the pill very early and take it for a long time, there can be quite problems to get pregnant after putting it down because the body has “learned” to “pass” the natural cycle.

It is also possible to work with monk peppers, which regulates hormonal symptoms in a more gentle manner than artificial hormones.

The pill can be useful, yes – but to use it directly and as the first means of choice can also harm.

1 month ago
Reply to  Nele1773

How long have you taken the monk’s suitcase?

1 month ago

Monk pepper is taken at least 3 months to feel an effect. After 6 months, you can be superior.

1 month ago

Hey =),

So I don’t think much of the pill because I personally didn’t have such great experiences with the pill.

I don’t have it so good. But what does not mean that it must be the same for you.

With the PIlle you only get a so-called bleeding and this is much easier and often more pain-free than the normal period.

If you don’t mind, you can try if you don’t change anything, but you still have the chance to put you back.

1 month ago

So honestly, do you think it’s useful to ask any people you don’t even know about on the net instead of relying on the opinion of the doctor you treat? If you can’t trust the doctor, think about changing the practice.

Many young girls and women have very clear problems with their period and many pains and the pill can certainly help. Apart from this, there are not “the” pills, as is always formulated so well generalized here, but various different preparations with different advantages and disadvantages and greater or lower risks.

1 month ago
Reply to  T3Fahrer

Especially when it comes to pills, women doctors are not necessarily the most competent contact persons… I have a whole odyssey behind me, including the risk of thrombosis…

1 month ago

Well, the pill not only has advantages, the side effects could even be worse than without taking the pill. You can try it and see how it is with you.

1 month ago
Reply to  1akob

Since some side effects are creepy and occur only after months or years, this is not always so easy. A friend of mine took the pill for five years without any problems and was then severely depressed. At some point when she tried several antidepressants, she dropped the pill because she wanted to take fewer drugs. And the depressions have dissolved in air within a cycle.

Unfortunately, this is not necessarily like other tablets where you get diarrhea right after taking.

1 month ago
Reply to  Stellwerk

Oh, okay, that’s stupid. I hope your friend is doing well

1 month ago

Thank you. Luckily everything went well – the depressions are gone and the two others still got their wish children. :

1 month ago

Thank you.

Many women are good at it. But you should still see it as what it is: a drug that should be used after a good weighing.

The absurd is that the development of the pill was set for the man, because the side effects were so violent – including depression. 😀

1 month ago

It’s really crazy to hear. So the pill can destroy a lot or cause damage. Thank you for this insight, that was not even aware of me!

1 month ago

Yeah, I’m lucky it’s been all over again, thanks!

The pill is without a doubt basically a great thing about it. Prevention – but it is good that in recent years a bit stronger is also looked at what the side effects are. And the sooner a girl starts to take her, the more difficult it can be after. I also know two women in my acquaintance who started the pill with13/14 and took it through by the end of 20. Then they wanted to get children and the natural cycle just didn’t come anymore because the body had never really learned to control the cycle. On the one hand, there was a natural pregnancy after taking other hormones, the second had to resort to artificial fertilization. Of course, these are only individual cases from my personal environment. But it’s already cramped, as the pill is sometimes underestimated.