Does the Maxim pill taste bitter?

Hello, I've been taking the Solera pill for over a year, but I've switched to the Maxim pill (recommended by my doctor). I'm in my first week of taking it, and the pill tastes bitter as soon as I put it in my mouth. All the other pills I've taken so far have been tasteless. I've now read online that the pill can dissolve slightly in the mouth, which reduces its effectiveness. I wanted to ask if anyone has experience with the Maxim pill and whether this bitter taste is normal or a sign that it's dissolving.

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1 year ago

I have now read online that the pill can easily dissolve in the mouth and this affects the effect.

From the pharmacological point of view, it does not make any significant difference whether an antibabypille is dissolved or broken in the mouth, it is important that no pills are spun out and the active ingredient is then swallowed with water.

The hormones contained in the pill are also absorbed via the oral mucosa, see, for example, Mattsson LA et al. 1983: “Ethinylestradiol separation by oral and sublingual routes: a comparative study in ovariectomized women.” (although at a different speed than the intestine) and are also insensitive to gastric acid. Thus, it should not make any difference in the form in which the pill is taken, but a tearing or dissolving of the antibabypilla is pointless in view of the small size. Better to swallow it “in the whole”, then no tablet piece can be lost. See also:Pill left too long in your mouth.

I don’t know how the pill tastes. I’ve swallowed 20 years of different pills, but not sucked.

Happy for you!