Pille gewechselt von aurodes ee 20 auf swingo 20?

Hallo ich habe vor kurzem meine Pille gewechselt von der Aurodes ee 20auf die swingo 20. der Arzt meinte ich kann so weiter machen wie vorher und muss nichts beachten bei dem Wechseln, er meinte da iwas an der Pille gleich ist muss ich nicht zusätzlich verhüten. Ich habe leider nicht genau verstanden warum die gleich sein sollte

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2 years ago

The active compounds of the Aurodes-EE 20 are 150 μg of desogestrel and 20 μg of ethinylestradiol, but the Swingo® 20 is 100 μg of levonorgestrel and 20 μg of ethinylestradiol.

It is therefore not an active ingredient-like pill (generic), but the pills contain different gestagens. However, both are combination pills.

Nevertheless, you can switch to without loss of protection. In the use information you can find under “Wann you can start the first blister pack”:

Change from another combined pill:

You can start taking Swingo® 20 preferably the day after the last active film tablet (the last film tablet with active active ingredient) of your previous pill, but at the latest the day after the take-off of the previously used pill (or after the last inactive film tablet (Placebo) of the previously used pill).

Happy for you!

2 years ago

It is in principle the same pill, only from another manufacturer. Is probably just cheaper or he has a contract.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kugelflitz

are not generic (different gestagens), but both combination pills.