Pille durchgenommen und 2 pillen vergessen?


ich nehme meine Pille durch und habe jetzt eine Pille letzten Sonntag vergessen und eine am Dienstag. Muss ich jetzt zusätzlich verhüten oder zählt das quasi als Pillenpause?

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2 years ago

If you take a mini pill/estrogen-free pill, which is generally accepted without a break, you must additionally prevent => see package leaflet.

With a usual micropille (combination pill), you can “forget” up to 7 pills in the long-term cycle, which would be a regular break. The protection is preserved.

With only one forgotten pill, you would have to take 7 more pills after an error if you want to go to a protected break at several 14.

Happy for you!

2 years ago
Reply to  isebise50

Thank you for your star!

2 years ago

Hello julia1234556

If you take the pill in the long-term rhythm (maximum 6 months) (only if there are no placebos) a mistake is not a problem if it is not in the first week after or last week before a break. Even errors up to 7 days are not a problem if you have taken the pill at least 14 days before the error and the pill is taken at least 7 days after the error. At the Belara, you can only walk in the break protected after 21 days and you have to additionally prevent the next 7 days with every mistake.

Greetings HobbyTfz

2 years ago

Hello, YES, counts as a (protected) pill break for a maxipille from the pill forgotten last Sunday, if you otherwise still swallowed your dragees correctly completely normal. The pill forgotten on Tuesday makes nix because it fell under the protection of the break.

If you take your pill right after the last forgetter for at least 7 days, you need not – Greetings, Imke =)

2 years ago
Reply to  holzlandhexe

Hello , I think it’s always so fucking that we often have to tremble women so pathetic. You In your specific case, however, it really does not have to. No matter what some lieutenants might say here or anywhere else on the net! Take a breath, relax and don’t worry about it. You were, are and remain well protected by your pill!!! – Many love greetings, Imke =)

2 years ago

No, it doesn’t count as a pill break. I would additionally prevent with condom

2 years ago
Reply to  sherine19

Aha, two hormone-free days within a week do not count as a break, but equal to 7 break days go without loss of protection?

Of course, one can always prevent condoms – but this is not necessary here.

2 years ago

Counts quasi as a break – so is safe – in the LZZ are dunquasi throughout week 2

2 years ago

better to prevent it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elizabeth2

That’s what she does, the pill…

2 years ago
Reply to  isebise50

then you did not read the question and it was “I need to prevent it now”. I’m sorry if I don’t get 1.1 of everything that’s already in the question.

2 years ago

And the answer is that in the case of a combination pill in the long-term cycle it does not have to additionally prevent it.